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About Me


Hi, welcome to my website! I’m not really sure what this is or should be; but hopefully it can be at least fun or interesting. I aim to make regular posts about things I find inspiring or technical things I hope I can remember in the future.


First, a little about me…

I am a professional physicist; I am a generalist with specialisms in all sorts. I am passionate about AI and I try to reflect on the use of AI in research and business. I also take a strong interest in the ways we run our projects and how we are influenced by the culture of work or research around us; I like to teach and to share knowledge and in part that explains this site.

I have spent the last decade in Durham, UK where I completed a BSc, Masters and PhD in theoretical physics. My interests are in the detection of dark matter, which sits somewhere between particle physics and cosmology. Although I have left academic research; I still maintain ties to the university. My tome of a thesis (500 pages!) was designed to be a useful textbook-like reference for students of dark matter, and it expands at length on my various published research topics.

The decision to leave academia wasn’t easy; but there is a world of skills and knowledge in industry which I was ready to tap. I started out as a software developer at a consultancy firm in Oxford; learning the ropes with C++ and Python and contributing as a developer to the Mantid codebase for muon beam analysis at Rutherford Appleton Labs. I moved back to Durham to join Kromek, a innovative R&D company who make detectors to work on X-ray security applications.

Now, I mostly spend my days running X-ray projects with a focus on AI. 

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Keras : Running the In-Built Classifiers

This tutorial demonstrates the use of classifiers in the keras applications module; with a full end-to-end example with resnet achitectures

Tensorflow Object Detection : Making Predictions

In this tutorial I will try to demonstrate how to run a trained Tensorflow object detection model for "inference", or in other words, to...

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