Recipe : Blueberry & White Chocolate Mousse
If you are on a diet, this one probably isn't for you. But on the plus side, there are few ingredients, it's pretty simple to make and...
Hi, welcome to my website! I’m not really sure what this is or should be; but hopefully it can be at least fun or interesting. I aim to make regular posts about things I find inspiring or technical things I hope I can remember in the future.
First, a little about me…
I am a professional physicist; I am a generalist with specialisms in all sorts. I am passionate about AI and I try to reflect on the use of AI in research and business. I also take a strong interest in the ways we run our projects and how we are influenced by the culture of work or research around us; I like to teach and to share knowledge and in part that explains this site.
I have spent the last decade in Durham, UK where I completed a BSc, Masters and PhD in theoretical physics. My interests are in the detection of dark matter, which sits somewhere between particle physics and cosmology. Although I have left academic research; I still maintain ties to the university. My tome of a thesis (500 pages!) was designed to be a useful textbook-like reference for students of dark matter, and it expands at length on my various published research topics.
The decision to leave academia wasn’t easy; but there is a world of skills and knowledge in industry which I was ready to tap. I started out as a software developer at a consultancy firm in Oxford; learning the ropes with C++ and Python and contributing as a developer to the Mantid codebase for muon beam analysis at Rutherford Appleton Labs. I moved back to Durham to join Kromek, a innovative R&D company who make detectors to work on X-ray security applications.
Now, I mostly spend my days running X-ray projects with a focus on AI.